CTMP production at Rygene mill

In 2016 we started a pre-project in close cooperation with PFI (Paper and Fibre Research Institute) to look into the possibility of starting up a CTMP production in addition to the TMP at Rygene Mill.

Our goal was to produce a chemical thermomechanical pulp having a higher level of freeness (CSF), high bulk, good absorption capabilities with a low level of fines and shives.

This type of pulp will be suitable for tissue products and board production where bulk and strength are important factors.

Several tests were performed with excellent results, and we achieved our goal as planned.

During the spring of 2017, we installed complete equipment for full-scale CTMP production at the mill.

The installation was successful, and in May 2017, CTMP production at Rygene was a fact.


Kristen Hagestad
Managing director