We monitor the origin of the wood, and, if necessary, supply chain information is shared with our customers

HES&Q and ethical guidelines

In order to achieve our goals, Rygene – Smith & Thommesen A/S will work according to the principles of the continuous improvement methodology. We will strive to have a close dialogue with our customers and together seek production and cost-optimal solutions. In addition, we will work to achieve good and sustainable solutions within environmental and ethical standards. Development of personnel, working methods and organization will be carried out continuously.


Rygene-Smith & Thommesen AS carries out due diligence assessments according to the “OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises” on human rights, employment and industrial relations, and the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven) to reduce the risk that our business, our own company or through our suppliers, cause or contribute to violations of human rights and that we work to promote and maintain decent working conditions. We do this to map and understand the risk of any breaches – and then introduce measures where necessary.

Environmental policy

Rygene – Smith & Thommesen shall apply wood raw material that is purchased and harvested in accordance with the Norwegian and EU ETR legislation and statutory regulations of all respective countries in accordance with the relevant forest certification.


We monitor the origin of the wood and if necessary, the supply chain information is shared with our customers. We do not use raw material that cannot be traced to its origin. We will ensure sufficient resources to maintain the PEFC and FSC management system and maintain effective routines and good competence of the personnel involved.

We do not cut down or accept wood which has been harvested contrary to the relevant authorities’ instructions in statutory protected forests, areas included in nature conservation programs or sites which have been determined by the authorities to be excluded from felling, for example:

  • Illegally harvested wood
  • Wood harvested in violation of traditional or civil rights
  • Wood harvested in forests where high conservation values are threatened by management activities
  • Wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use
  • Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees have been planted


Rygene – Smith & Thommesen shall have awareness of substantiated internal and external concerns on all areas.


  • shall comply with its Emissions Permit regarding emissions to water, air, and noise
  • shall continue to work to further reduce CO2 emissions from production


  • have a negative CO2 footprint. This means that there is stored more CO2 in the product than used during producing it. See our carbon footprint calculations below.
  • contains none of the substances on the ECHA candidate list of very high concern, or in the EU-regulations No. 67/548/EEC and No. 1907/2006 (REACH), and GHS-(CLP)-VO No. 1272/2008.
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